Light up your sales reps’ social networks and close more deals.

Our Social Selling Success™ Platform is the simplest tool you will find to drive awareness, build trust, and keep your brand top-of-mind.

Light up your sales reps’ social networks and close more deals.

Sales professionals who employ Social Selling techniques close 40-50% more new business.

Changing the way sales teams make their quota

Social Selling Is…

Changing the way sales teams make quota

According to Gartner: Social selling is the process of shaping demand and lead generation with social media tools that allow sales representatives to:

  + Engage prospects
  + Create and strengthen relationships
  + Move them through the sales funnel to achieve sales goals.

Must Be Present to Win

Frequent quality posting is a foundation of Social Selling

Frequent, quality posting is the foundation of Social Selling.

Sales teams are busy and, let’s be honest, they’re generally not focused at creating social posts. In general, they tend to just “like” and share content posted by others.

The value of a strong social presence is understood, but it can be difficult to consistently create meaningful posts that connect with prospects.

Meet Vsbl, the platform designed to ignite your team’s Social Selling.

Vsbl is the Social Selling Success™ Platform
Vsbl is the Social Selling Success™ Platform

Making Social Selling Easy

Vsbl: The Social Selling Success Platform

Designed for busy sales professionals to post quality content while on the go.
+ 3 Click Posting
+ Curated Branded Content
+ Automatic SMS and Email Reminders
+ Activity Reporting
+ Mobile-First Design

Our Managed Service model ensures your reps have a steady flow of carefully curated new content to post and your marketing team is doesn’t have to learn another toolset.


Posting fresh, high-quality content drives interest and maintains visibility.


Consistently sharing valuable, insightful content builds a foundation of trust.


Be present in the mind of your prospects when they are ready to buy.

Ok, Social Selling works…
what should they post?

You don’t expect your reps to create compelling content, right? 

That’s the job of your marketing team.

Vsbl is the only platform that takes the work of your marketing team and puts in the hands of your sales team, allowing sales reps post compelling, on-brand content directly into their social networks.

This makes Vsbl one of the best social media posting tools available in the market today.

Ok, Social Selling WORKS. But…what should they post?
Marketing and Sales unite in a seamless workflow

Easy to Implement

Marketing and Sales unite in a seamless workflow

With Vsbl, our Managed Service team repurposes and leverage the content your marketing team is already developing – podcasts, white papers, product announcements – really anything that you want your prospects to engage with.

This includes sourcing and utilizing third-party content aligned to your message and content.

All the Vsbl promotions include the branding that your marketing team requires.

Vsbl promotes B2B sales and marketing alignment using one tool!

Maximize Social Activity with Minimum Effort

Vsbl enables your Sales Reps to quickly optimize their presence and drive social selling

You want your sales team focused on activities that make sales happen.

You want your marketing team focused on messaging, offers and content.

Vsbl is the bridge between them that will create the foundation for their success.

Get the most online visibility with the least effort by your teams.

How to improve sales team efficiency?

Vsbl. We can show you how.

Vsbl enables your Sales Reps to quickly increase their presence to drive social selling