Hello – This article might feel like a truth-bomb for marketers who like to publish white papers to pass along valuable information about our industry, company, and products to generate leads, but it’s still worth a read. We compiled several sets of critical tips to help you achieve those elusive white paper leads you seek when publishing your next white paper. I hope you find it helpful!

1. No one has time to read a white-paper

Why You Should Consider an Audio Version of Your White Papers

If you’re like most sales managers, you’re always looking for new leads and ways to increase your conversion rate. Have you ever considered using audio to achieve these goals? No, we’re not talking about cold-calling potential customers (though that’s not a bad idea either). We’re talking about using audio versions of your white papers to generate leads and turn prospects into customers. Here are five reasons why you should consider creating an audio version of your white paper today:

A great way to reach a wider audience.

Think about it – not everyone has the time (or patience) to sit down and read a 20-page white paper. But if you create an audio version, people can listen to it while commuting, working out, or doing other activities. This means that you’ll be able to reach a much wider audience with your white paper.

Adds professionalism and credibility to your brand.

When you release an audio version of your white paper, it shows that you’re a forward-thinking company that’s willing to invest in new technology. This will help boost your credibility in the eyes of potential customers, which could lead to more sales down the line.

Builds loyalty among existing customers.

If you release an audio version of your white paper, existing customers will appreciate the fact that you went above and beyond to provide them with additional value. This will help build loyalty and keep them coming back for more in the future.

Can be used as a lead generation tool.

If you include a call-to-action at the end of your audio white paper, it can be used as a powerful lead generation tool. For example, you could offer a free consultation or discount on products and services for people who listen to the entire recording.

It’s easy (and relatively inexpensive) to produce.

Thanks to advances in technology, it’s now easier than ever before to produce high-quality audio recordings. And best of all, it doesn’t have to cost an arm and a leg – you can use free recording software like Audacity or GarageBand if you don’t want to invest in professional equipment.

As you can see, there are many compelling reasons why you should consider creating an audio version of your white paper. From reaching a wider audience to building loyalty among existing customers, an audio white paper can be a powerful asset for any business. So what are you waiting for? Start planning your recording today!

Thanks to advances in technology, it’s now easier than ever before to produce high-quality audio recordings. And best of all, it doesn’t have to cost an arm and a leg – you can use free recording software like Audacity or GarageBand if you don’t want to invest in professional equipment.

As you can see, there are many compelling reasons why you should consider creating an audio version of your white paper. From reaching a wider audience to building loyalty among existing customers, an audio white paper can be a powerful asset for any business. So what are you waiting for? Start planning your recording today!

2. They’re long, boring & not visually appealing

Ways to Make Your White Paper More Appealing (spoiler alert: no one wants to read your long, boring white paper)

It’s no secret that most white papers are pretty dry. They’re full of dense text and complex concepts, and they’re often light on visual elements. As a result, they can be tough to get through—even for the people who are supposed to be reading them.

But just because white papers are traditionally dry doesn’t mean they have to be. There are a few simple tricks you can use to make your white paper more engaging and readable. Here is what you need to know.

Use Subheadings (like this one!)

One of the best ways to make a long, dense document more readable is to break it up into smaller sections using subheadings. By doing so, you give readers a road map for what they can expect from the rest of the text. And if they only have time to read one section, they can easily find the information that’s most relevant to them.

Make It Visual

Most white papers rely heavily on text to convey their message. But if you want people to read your document, you need to break up all that text with visuals. Adding charts, graphs, and infographics will not only make your white paper more visually appealing—it’ll also make it easier to digest. After all, our brains process images 60,000 times faster than they process text.

Keep It Short (and sweet)

When it comes to white papers, length does matter—and shorter is always better. In general, people only spend about 30 seconds skimming a white paper before deciding whether or not they want to read it. So if your document is too long or too dense, there’s a good chance people will give up before they even get halfway through. The bottom line? Keep it short and sweet if you want people to read your white paper.

3. People Don’t Trust White Papers (This thing reeks of corporate agenda!)

Ways to Avoid People Thinking Your White Papers Have a Corporate Agenda

If you’re like most people, you probably think white papers are dry, boring, and have a corporate agenda. And while that may be true for some white papers out there, it doesn’t have to be the case! When done right, white papers can be an extremely valuable tool for both businesses and individuals alike. So without further ado, here are the top 5 reasons why people think white papers have a corporate agenda:

Make sure the voice of your white paper presents value to the reader

This is often seen as a negative because people think that these organizations are only looking to promote their products or services. However, there are many cases where white papers are created by unbiased experts who are simply looking to provide valuable information on a particular topic.

Avoid an overabundance of technical jargon

This is another common complaint about white papers. While it’s true that they can sometimes include industry-specific terms, the vast majority of them are written in plain English and are easy to understand.

White Papers Can Be Long, but should be concise

This isn’t necessarily a bad thing! In fact, one of the strengths of white papers is that they provide in-depth information on a given topic. However, if you’re simply looking for a quick overview, then you may want to look elsewhere.

Try not to present the content in a sales-y or promotional tone

This is definitely something to watch out for! Some companies do use white papers as a way to promote their products or services, so it’s important to read them with a critical eye.

Don’t come off like you’re trying to sell them something, they’ll buy if your product offers value

Again, this is something to watch out for! While some companies do use white papers as a way to sell their products or services, many others simply provide valuable information without any ulterior motive.

Although some may see them as having a corporate agenda, when done right white papers can be an extremely valuable tool for businesses and individuals alike! So don’t write them off just yet – you may be surprised at what you find!

Were they motivated to read it in the first place?

Consider these methods to incite additional engagement in your audience

f you’re like most businesses, you’ve probably created a white paper or two (or ten) to generate leads and close sales. And if you’re like most businesses, you’ve probably also rarely promoted those white papers in a socially engaging way or considered the peer network of your sales team. Here are some ways to get better engagement.

Promote your white paper in a socially engaging way.

If you want to increase the reach of your white paper and get more people to read it, start leveraging the social networks of your sales team. By utilizing the connections and followers of your sales team members, you can rapidly expand the reach of your white paper and get more people engaging with your brand. Here’s how to do it:

  • Make sure that each member of your sales team has a link to the white paper in their LinkedIn profile.
  • Encourage them to post about the white paper on LinkedIn, using relevant hashtags and tagging @yourbrand in their posts.
  • Get your sales team members to tweet about the white paper too!

By following these simple steps, you can start leveraging the social networks of your sales team to promote your white paper more effectively. Not only will you reach a larger audience, but you’ll also get more people engaging with your brand.

Leverage the peer network of your sales team to get through to the right people.

If you’re like most sales managers, you’re always on the lookout for new ways to get your white paper in front of potential customers. Encouraging your sales team to post to their personal LinkedIn networks can help. When potential customers search for your white paper, they’ll see who in their network is connected to your company. This might give them a little nudge to check it out. Here are a few benefits of having your sales team post about your white paper on their personal LinkedIn networks:

More Trustworthy: When potential customers see that your white paper has been posted by someone in their network, they’ll be more likely to trust it and give it a read and they’ll be more likely to engage with it and possibly even share it with their own networks.

More qualified leads: Prospects within their network are more likely to be qualified leads who are actually interested in what you have to say.

Improved brand reputation: All of the above factors can lead to improved brand reputation, which is invaluable for any business.

As a sales manager, it’s important to always be on the lookout for new ways to get your white paper in front of potential customers. Encouraging your sales team to post about your white paper on their personal networks is a great way to do that. Not only will you increase the visibility of your white paper, but you’ll also improve the salesperson’s visibility. This fosters trust and transparency with potential customers and improves customer relationships overall. The results can lead to increased leads, conversions, and ROI for your business.

Use the white paper itself as an example of thought leadership.

If you want your company to be seen as a thought leader in your industry, you need to start thinking outside the box. One way to do this is by using the white paper itself as an example of thought leadership. You can turn an ordinary white paper into a powerful marketing tool that will help establish your company and members of your sales team as thought leaders in your field.

The bottom line is that if you want to generate leads and close sales, you need to promote your white paper in a socially engaging way and consider the peer network of your sales team. There’s simply no other way to reach as many potential customers and clients.

As any salesperson knows, time is money. So when you’re trying to promote a white paper, you need to make it as easy as possible for busy salespeople to post about it quickly. That means creating a catchy headline and eye-catching visuals and making sure the text is easy to scan. It also means using social media platforms that are popular with salespeople, such as LinkedIn and Twitter. The Vsbl platform was specifically designed to enable your marketing team to generate easy-to-share white paper posts that your sales team will appreciate. They can post quickly and easily from their mobile devices to increase the visibility of your white paper and generate high-quality leads as mentioned above.

If you would like to learn more about how Vsbl can revolutionize the way your sales team posts on their personal networks about white papers (or webinars, product features, testimonials, etc…)

click here to schedule your demo.